Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Re-post the link to your electronic literature review assignment by April 29th.

Post some of your initial ideas regarding Project 3 in preparation for next week's workshop class.

With regards to web tools for project 3, I am hoping to return to google sites due to its ease in linking and its overall accessibility from my various computer platforms throughout the day and evening. I will experiment further with hiding the sidebar and revealing less of the overall site structure. I am also hoping to insert a linear powerpoint slideshow to help introduce some themes. I am also hoping to insert a prezi that might reflect a more dynamic 'menu' of choices for the reader to navigate. Visual imagery might include sky images as opposed to the water and sand imagery from prior projects. I am hoping to experiment with barcodes/ QR codes on a modified food menu that would link to other various options. From a literary standpoint, I am hoping to include some simple forms as, "I am" statements, 6 word memoirs, short poems with 3 words removed from them in a way to create a new poem, and possibly some other brief works that I still have to determine.

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